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The most effective Feng Shui system for your happiness
The most effective Feng Shui system for your happiness

The most effective Feng Shui system for your happiness

One of my favorite and most effective Feng Shui systems is the "8 Houses" system. It is sometimes also called the Compass School. Don't miss out on this information. Influence your own luck and learn from me how to use the most effective Feng Shui system.

Where do I get the knowledge about the effective Feng Shui system?

The 8-house system comes from Feng Shui . It is based on the harmony of the cardinal directions with the person. Grandmaster Yap Cheng Hai himself taught me how to use the 8-house formula. He repeatedly showed me its value and importance.

He himself had found the formula book in a library in China around 60 years ago. The forbidden books were sorted out there and kept in a kind of collection. According to him, it was written in southern China. It was a handwritten original from the Qing Dynasty.
He himself studied the work for more than three years in order to understand all the details and applications.

In principle, the application for the most effective Feng Shui system is very simple.

However, old works are often written in an encrypted or complicated way. This means that only experts can correctly interpret and understand the content. Furthermore, the Chinese language is a figurative language. It leaves a lot of room for possible interpretations.

Through his work with friends and clients, Grandmaster Yap Cheng Hai gained another twenty years of experience in this Feng Shui technique. This led him to realize that this book contained a great treasure. Anyone who understood how to use it could influence problems in the areas of family, business or health. I can confirm its effectiveness through my own experience.

What is the most effective Feng Shui system?

  • The Feng Shui of the 8 houses is based on the personal birth data as well as the location and orientation of the house.
  • Its goal is to find and use the best directional energies of each person and to avoid the bad ones.
  • Each person reacts in different ways to the forces of different directions.

Learn how to give yourself targeted advice in my Feng Shui course “Be your own Feng Shui consultant”.


In order to be able to use Ba Zhai for yourself, you first need to understand how the Chinese calendar works . Every qualified Feng Shui consultant needs a compass but also a calendar.
Unlike the western division of the year, the Chinese calendar is divided into two different types of calculation: namely, the lunar and solar times.

In the Western calendar, the New Year always begins on January 1st - unlike the Chinese view. Here, the solar calendar begins the year around February 4th. In the lunar calendar, on the other hand, the year begins according to the phases of the moon.

In Feng Shui, the solar calendar is used exclusively for most important calculations.

Thus, the year usually begins on February 4th, sometimes also on February 3rd or 5th. All people born before February 4th usually still belong to the previous year.

The birth times can be compared using the table below. However, for the assessment it is important to know that this system is based on the solar year. From the table, each person can now be assigned a Gua number. This is needed for the precise assessment in order to determine which areas and directions are most favorable for you.

First, find your Gua number from the list below. Note that men and women have a different column. The blue column is for men and boys, the red column is for women and girls. Write down your number!

For the most effective Feng Shui system you need  compass measurement

Authentic Feng Shui deals with the powerful but invisible energies of our environment. The precision compass used by Feng Shui consultants is called Luo Pan and helps to understand the energy flow of an area. This enables a qualitative assessment of a place.

There are numerous rings on the Luo Pan, from which many Feng Shui formulas can be derived. But there are also references to cardinal directions and their qualities. Of course, it is also possible to use a good, precise compass for the measurement.

Unlike Google Earth, Feng Shui works exclusively with the earth's magnetism. Google Earth and other maps are aligned to geographic north.

Each direction has its own qualities of Qi

The Chinese name for the Feng Shui system of 8 houses is "Ba Zhai". Ba means "8" and Zhai means "house".
You divide your house into 8 different sectors. But there are actually 9 fields.
You can then place these on your floor plan. This allows you to specifically assess which direction corresponds exactly to your energy, your Qi quality.

The middle is not important in this Feng Shui system. You probably already know the basics of Feng Shui, which say: The middle should be free. That is always the basic principle.
That is why it is called 8 houses. Because there are 8 different directions and therefore 8 different sectors to evaluate and not 9. This gives you 8 possibilities for how you interact with your room.
First of all, we will try to find out exactly what the most effective Feng Shui system is.

Then you can get started.

You have and absolutely need a house or an apartment , a kind of enclosure for Qi, so to speak. Next, you need the birth date of the residents; each individual roommate.

Because here too, it is important to differentiate carefully. After all, not everyone prefers the same cardinal directions, which can also be an advantage. Just imagine that you might not be able to use some rooms because they do not support your energy. Every Feng Shui living room , Feng Shui bedroom and especially a Feng Shui children's room should have good Qi. But perhaps the situation is different for your child or another family member.
Mark the good areas of your favorable sectors and the corresponding cardinal directions.

SE – southeast, NE – northeast, S – south, N – north, W – west, SW – southwest, NW – northwest, E – east.

In the first line you will find your Gua number. Below are the cardinal directions. The blue values ​​indicate the good sectors. The red letters represent the bad areas in your house.

Find your good areas in the house or apartment

To easily assess your living space, ask yourself the following questions: Where are your seats? Which room do you spend most of your time in? Is your sleeping area in a good sector?

The following list shows you which places should be in a good sector for you.

In the Feng Shui bedroom and also in the Feng Shui children's room, the bed is particularly important. So the bed should be in a positive area. Do you often spend time in the office and make important decisions there? Then the desk should be in a good sector.

Your Feng Shui living room and especially the place where the couch is located needs good qualities of Qi. This is where you want to recharge your energy and regenerate. This happens best when you and your positive direction interact. Your dining room and the places in the house where you spend a lot of time also need good qualities of Qi.
